Artie P Williams Memorial Scholarship Fund

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, an organization dedicated to aiding in the education of talented youth. Annually, the Brevard County Alumnae Chapter awards up to five one-time academic scholarships from the Artie P. Williams Memorial Scholarship fund to qualifying high school seniors in the North and Central Brevard area interested in pursuing higher education. 

Two specific scholarships from this fund have been named: 

~ The Mildred S Jones Memorial Scholarship for students interested in a pursuing a college degree in Business.

~ The Brevard County Alumnae Memorial Scholarship, a general scholarship which honors all other deceased members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. that were affiliated with the Brevard County Alumnae Chapter.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Must be a graduating high school senior currently enrolled in a high school located in North or Central Brevard County, FL
  • Must have a cumulative un-weighted GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
  • Plan to attend an accredited college or university as a full-time student in the upcoming Fall.

Completed application packet (including all required documentation) must be submitted/postmarked by February 28th each year.



Contact Us
PO Box 560915
Rockledge, Florida 32956